I was looking for marketing jobs suitable for an entrepreneur, where I could use my creativity. After discovering Smoothly, I knew right away that this was it! The content creator position sounded exactly what I was looking for. Right from the start, I had clients from many different industries, for whom I was able to create social media posts and newsletters, as well as build websites.
I like having a routine in my everyday life. On weekdays, I wake up quite early and start work after my morning activities. My working days mainly consist of meetings, planning and creating social media posts, and writing newsletters and blog articles. I’ve also had the chance to do lots of other exciting things, like graphic design and writing descriptions for podcasts. It’s great to be able to run errands, have coffee with friends or get some fresh air in the middle of the day. Afterwards, I have renewed energy to get on with the day’s tasks. Flexible remote work also allows for extended weekend trips: the last few tasks can be done from the train or a hotel, for example.
At Smoothly, I’ve learned a lot about customer service and developed myself as a marketing professional. We have a great team with whom you can chat about anything from heaven to earth or ask for help in challenging situations. Even though the work is independent, it’s not lonely!